Bake Sale Tray

Remember way back when, when I mentioned something about a dessert-themed crochet project? OMG I’M POSTING A CROCHET PATTERN!!!

When I was a little girl, I was involved in Brownies, and then Girl Guides. UK/Canada’s version of Girl Scouts. Every year there would be at least one bake sale. I always loved bake sales. And so, here is a small sampling of what you would find at a bake sale!! Cupcakes, Nanaimo bar, chocolate chip cookies, and a jam tart.


For those not familiar, Nanaimo bars… I don’t know how much of that is the truth. But. I know that they were named for Nanaimo (I actually lived in Nanaimo for a few years) and everyone loved them when I was growing up. Basically it’s a crumby/cookie base, with a custard-flavoured icing (also delicious in mint) and then a layer of hard chocolate on top.

I made two cupcakes. The one with the cherry on top is a red velvet cupcake, and the other one is just a regular cupcake with strawberry icing.


The cupcakes and tart are all stuffed, just lightly enough to hold their shape. If I didn’t attach them to the tray, I would probably stuff the stuffing out of them. Or into them.
Also note that while you theoretically could crochet the tart base and sides as one piece, you would end up needing to stuff from the indented top and it would take a lot of fussing with to get it to look right.


  • worsted weight baby pink, red, dark red, medium brown, dark brown, tan, white, black, yellow; sport weight medium green
  • stuffing
  • G-sized crochet hook
  • glue gun if desired

Nanaimo Bar (make 3 dark brown, 1 yellow)1) ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook to end (6)
2-9) ch 1, turn, sc in each sc (6)
break yarn, finish off

Cookie (make 2 for each cookie)
1) ch 2, sc6 in 2nd ch from hook, join with sl st (6)
2) ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around, join with sl st (12)
3) ch 1, *sc, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (18)
4) ch 1, *sc2, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (24)
5) ch 1, *sc3, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (30)
break yarn, finish off. Make french knots with dark brown for chocolate chips.

Tart Base
1) ch 2, sc6 in 2nd ch from hook, join with sl st (6)
2) ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around, join with sl st (12)
3) ch 1, *sc, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (18)
break yarn, finish off

Tart Side
1) ch 18, join with sl st, sc in each ch, join with sl st (18)
2) ch 1, *sc5, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (21)
3) ch 1, sc in each sc around, join with sl st (21)
4) ch 1, *sc6, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (24)
5) ch 1, sc in each sc around (24)
break yarn, finish off

Tart Filling
1) ch 2, sc6 in 2nd ch from hook, join with sl st (6)
2) ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around, join with sl st (12)
3) ch 1, sc, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (18)
4) switch to beige, ch 1, sc in each sc around (18)
break yarn, finish off.

Cupcake Bottom
1) ch 2, sc6 in 2nd ch from hook, join with sl st (6)
2) ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around, join with sl st (12)
3) ch 1, *sc, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (18)
4) ch 1, in back loops only sc in each sc around (18)
5) ch 1, *sc5, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (21)
6) ch 1, sc in each sc around, join with sl st (21)
7) ch 1, *sc6, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (24)
break yarn, finish off

Cupcake Icing
1) ch 2, sc6 in 2nd ch from hook, join with sl st (6)
2) ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around, join with sl st (12)
3) ch 1, *sc, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (18)
4) ch 1, *sc2, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (24)
5-7) ch 1, sc in each sc around, join with sl st (24)
8) ch 1, *sc and hdc in next sc, hdc and sc in next sc* around, join with sl st
break yarn, finish off

1) ch 2, sc6 in 2nd ch from hook, join with sl st (6)
2) ch 1, sc in each sc around, join with sl st (6)
break yarn, finish off, sew closed

Strawberry Half– do not stuff
1) ch 2, sc6 in 2nd ch from hook, join with sl st (6)
2) ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around, join with sl st (12)
3) ch 1, *sc2, dec over 2 sc* around, join with sl st (9)
4) ch 1, *sc, dec over 2 sc* around, join with sl st (6)
5) ch 1, dec over 2 sc around, join with sl st (3)
break yarn, finish off, sew closed

Strawberry Stem
1) ch 2, sc4 in 2nd ch from hook (4)
break yarn, finish off

1) ch 24, dc in 4th ch from hook to end (first 3 ch count as dc and ch) (22)
2-14) ch 3 (counts as first dc), turn, dc in each dc (22)
15) ch 1, turn, sc in each sc, sc2 in end of each row of dc, sc in each bottom loop, sc2 in end of each row of dc, join with sl st
break yarn, finish off

Whipstitch edges of cookie parts together, right sides out. Turn tart filling inside out (so jam is facing up). Nestle inside tart side and whipstitch top edges together with tan. Stuff, then sew on bottom. Layer bar pieces with two brown, the yellow, then the last brown. Do not whipstitch- sew through all four layers just inside the outside edge. Sew top edge of cupcake bottom between rows 7 and 8 of the cupcake icing. Attach strawberry stem to top of strawberry, push strawberry flat and attach to pink icing. Attach cherry to white icing. Arrange and glue on tray if desired.

7 responses to “Bake Sale Tray

  1. What a wonderful spread.

  2. Thank you both!

  3. I'm doing a story on international crochet cuisine, and I was searching the web when I found this delicious looking recipe! Would you mind answering a few questions?1. What was your inspiration?2. Were you eating noodles when you came up with these idea?3. Were you inspired by pictures of food?4. Where were you when you came up with this idea?5. Were you hungry while making this?6. What are you going to use this for?7. Do you have an Etsy store?8. What was your original idea for the title?9. Did you have to revise the pattern?10. Did you have to frog?11. Were you happy with the turn out?12. Will you make more?Thank you! And, one final, last bonus question…Would you like a copy of the story?Thanks again, ta ta!

  4. 1. I love to eat dessert. And since I love to *eat* dessert, I figured it would be fun to make. :D2. Noodles? No… Probably daydreaming about Nanaimo bars.3. Not pictures, daydreams!4. Probably sitting in front of my computer, where I get most of my ideas!5. Yes. Yes, I was.6. I sent it to a friend for a Pay-it-forward!7. I do! Dessert Tray. But then I realized that one person is probably not going to sit down to a plate of dessert that looks like this.9. Yes. I had tart issues.10. Always when I design things!11. Pretty happy with it!12. Absolutely.And I would love a copy of the story! šŸ˜€

  5. Great! The story will be out some time today.

  6. Pingback: Foods - Free Crochet Patterns - Crochet Tutorial

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