
I think this is the only vegetable in the bunch! I have plans for more in the future but I need a break from crocheting like a fiend, so this may be the only one to make it into the birthday box.

My cat refused to not be in the picture. That’s part of her.



  • I used worsted weight orange and sport weight in medium green.
  • G-sized crochet hook. It’s not the size that’s important so I’m not including a gauge. I crochet pretty tightly, if your stitches are looser you may want to use a smaller hook. The important thing is to make sure that the stitches are tight enough to hold in the stuffing.
  • I used polyfiber stuffing, but any stuffing will do.
  • Scissors to cut the yarn.
  • A needle with an eye big enough for yarn.
  • Safety pin, optional.

This is worked in continuous rounds. Use a stitch marker to keep your place and move it up as you complete rows. I use a safety pin and just put it through the last stitch of a round.

stuff as you go
1) sc 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook (6)
2-3) sc in each sc (6)
4) sc, 2 sc in next sc* around (9)
5-8) sc in each sc (9)
9) sc2, 2 sc in next sc* around (12)
10-14) sc in each sc (12)
15) sc3, 2 sc in next sc* around (15)
16-21) sc in each sc (15)
22) sc4, 2 sc in next sc* around (18)
23-25) sc in each sc (18)
26) sc, dec over 2 sc* around (12)
27) dec over 2 sc around (6)
finish off, sew closed, break yarn

1) ch 6, join with sl st, sc in each ch (6)
break yarn leaving enough to sew with

Sew stem to middle of top of carrot.

One response to “Carrot

  1. Pingback: Play with Your Food: 40 Free Amigurumi Patterns to Crochet Today!

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