
Due to a last-minute (yesterday) pattern change, we’re a day late. But. It’s here!

My daughter identified these as cakes, but this is actually sushi. When I started this pattern, I didn’t realize that there were already a metric crapton of sushi patterns out there, but here’s my version.

Because I glued mine to the tray, I only stuffed them enough to hold their shapes. If you’re actually going to keep them separate from the tray, what I would advise is to cut out circles of thin cardboard or plastic (think cereal box or milk jug) to glue to the top and bottom of your rolls before assembly, and then stuffing the crap out of them. That way they will stay more flat and not cave in, in the middle if you use “chopsticks” on them.


If you make more rolls or nigiri, it’s easy to make the tray bigger- just keep adding on more rows.


  • Worsted weight pink, honeydew, red, orange, white, black, cream, light brown, medium brown.
  • G-sized crochet hook
  • stuffing
  • Hot glue gun (optional)

2-Color Sushi (make 2 for each roll)
1) with color A, ch 2. In 2nd ch from hook, sc 2 with color A, sc 2 with color B, sc 2 with color A,
join with sl st (6)
2) ch 1, 2 sc in each of first 2 sc, switch to color B, 2 sc in each of next 2 sc, sc in next sc,
switch to color A, sc again in same sc, 2 sc in last sc, join with sl st (12)
3) switch to white, ch 1, *sc, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (18)
4) ch 1, *sc2, 2 sc in next sc*, join with sl st (24)
break yarn, finish off

3-Color Sushi (make 2 for each roll- when making the second one, switch color B and color C)
1) with color A, ch 2. In 2nd ch from hook, sc, with color B 2 sc, with color C 2 sc, with color A
sc, join with sl st (6)
2) ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, with color B 2 sc in each of next 2 sc, with color C 2 sc in each of next
2 sc, with color A 2 sc in last sc, join with sl st (12)
3) switch to white, ch 1, *sc, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (18)
4) ch 1, *sc2, 2 sc in next sc*, join with sl st (24)
break yarn, finish off

1-Color Sushi (make 2 for each roll)
1) with color A, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook, join with sl st (6)
2) ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around, join with sl st (12)
3) switch to white, ch 1, *sc, 2 sc in next sc* around, join with sl st (18)
4) ch 1, *sc2, 2 sc in next sc*, join with sl st (24)
break yarn, finish off

Seaweed For Rolls
1) ch 25, sc in 2nd ch from hook to end (24)
2-5) ch 1, turn, sc in each sc (24)
break yarn, finish off

Nigiri Rice Top and Sides
1) ch 5, sc in 2nd ch from hook to end (4)
2-9) ch 1, turn, sc in each sc (4)
1) ch 1, turn, sc in each sc, sc in each row of side, sc in each bottom loop, sc in each row of
side, join with sl st (26)
2-4) ch 1, sc in each sc, join with sl st (26)
Break yarn, finish off

Nigiri Rice Base
Repeat rows 1-9 of top
Break yarn, finish off

1) ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook (6)
2) 2 sc in each sc around (12)
3) sc in each sc around (12)
4) dec over 2 sc* around (6)
5) sc in each sc around (6)
break yarn, finish off, sew closed

Nigiri Fish 1
1) ch 9, sc in 2nd ch from hook to end (8)
2-12) ch 1, turn, sc in each sc (8)
13) ch 1, turn, dec over 2 sc, sc4, dec over 2 sc (6)
break yarn, finish off

Nigiri Fish 2
1) ch 8, sc in 2nd ch from hook to end (7)
2-10) ch 1, turn, sc in each sc (7)
11) sl st in first 3 sc, sc in next sc to end
12) ch 2 (counts as first dc), dc in next sc, hdc in next sc, sc in next sc, sl st in next sl st to
Break yarn, finish off

1) ch 30, sc in 2nd ch from hook to end (29)

1) ch 28, dc in 4th ch from hook to end (26)
2-12) ch 3, turn, dc in next dc to end (26)
break yarn, finish off

Sew rolls together, sewing the top row and bottom loops of the seaweed to the top and bottom circles. Make sure to line up separate colors on top and bottom. Once have most of the second circle sewn on, stuff before sewing closed. Sew the nigiri rice together. The base should fit inside the bottom of the sides. Leave about an inch unsewn to stuff, then stuff and sew closed. Embroider white lines in fish if desired before assembly. I glued the nigiri fish to the top of the rice, but if you’re ambitious, you could sew it on. Arrange the strip of ginger into a lump and secure the ends. I glued everything to the tray, another option would be to attach velcro to the tray and the pieces so that they’ll come off, or just leave them loose.

11 responses to “Sushi

  1. A cute and fun pattern.. Thanks for sharing

  2. Thank you! 😀

  3. I love this! I'm planning on making it for my bestfriend! Thanks for posting(:

  4. When you said stuff the crap out of them, I was surprised because I didn’t know sushi was full of crap. 🙂 (I know what you really meant!) But I didn’t stuff them that full, and they didn’t work out as well. Thanks for your exaggeration.

  5. Thank you for sharing! I will try to make it 😀

  6. Pingback: Crochet: Sushi | popandcraft

  7. Pingback: Foods - Free Crochet Patterns - Crochet Tutorial

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